Gut Moschenhof
near Dusseldorf.
Welcome at our place.
How to find us - Gut Moschenhof
Gut Moschenhof: Am Gartenkamp 20 in 40629 Dusseldorf
You can reach Gut Moschenhof via the following way:
Coming from A3
- Please exit at Mettmann and take the inner city direction
- Follow the B7 to Bergisch Kaserne
- After the junction take the first street on the left
Coming from Dusseldorf
- Please follow the directions to Gerresheim/ Ludenberg
- At Gerresheimer Krankenhaus please follow the serpentine way to B7
- Follow the B7 to Bergisch Kaserne
- Before the junction please exit the first street on the right
Here you can create a detailed directions with the route planner of Google.
If you have questions about the directions, please contact us.